Training Modules
The following Training modules were conceptualized, authored and developed for Astha to be used by disability professionals and other stakeholders.
“Understanding Mobility”, January 2011 a Module to understand mobility difficulties, supports to facilitate mobility and persons with mobility difficulties.
“Independent Living” for adults with disabilities
“Setting up a Disability Helpline: Training Module based on the Experiences of the Aarth-Astha Disability Helpline”
Module on ‘Adapting the English Curriculum’ for children with disabilities. Module based on the Class one text-book incorporating ideas and strategies for teaching children across all disabilities. Teaching- Learning material for the same also developed as part of the module.
DESIGNED A READING PROGRAMME: Designed a Reading Programme for children with disabilities who come to the Astha centres. This was intended to enable children to learn to read and write. Children with disabilities who have been enrolled in mainstream schools by the Astha team, often get lost in the crowd in the classroom. Teachers are unable to give adequate time and individual attention to the child and as a result many children with disabilities are unable to read and write even the very basics.
The reading programme was conceptualised to teach children to read, write, comprehend in a systematic, step-by-step manner. Focus was both on building expressive as well as receptive language skills. Teaching learning material is identified for each step. multi-sensory elements are woven in the sessions to enable better learning. Training sessions and discussions are held with special educators and the team working with the children and they are the ones who implement this programme. Regular sessions are done with the teachers to work out the steps for implementing this and individual concerns are built into this and the programme is individualised to suit the needs of each child. Accessible content, accessible modes of receiving and expressing information, reasonable accommodations,